The Story

My childhood was filled with art, music, philosophy, creative expression, and love. I looked forward to the next record my father would spin, the next art project my mother would inspire. I was encouraged to be my eclectic, quirky self. I did not stop as an adult. I embraced the artist, writer, philosopher, helper through my many versions as a teacher, therapist, yogi, and energy practitioner. And along the way, I fell in love with the band, Phish. To me, their music weaves life philosophy into jams, creating a transcendental experience, especially at live shows.

Through my spiritual journey, I have been drawn to oracle card decks for inspiration, guidance, and affirmation in this strange design that we call life. I had this dream: why not merge all the areas of my life together? Phish, mental health & wellness, and spirituality.At various points in my life, I have received guidance from Phish in the same way I have received guidance in oracle cards, meditation, therapy, and other spiritual or wellness teachings.

Each card is a visual representation of a concept of this show of life. This oracle deck is intended to be used as guidance or suggestion. The Helping Phriendly Deck consists of 46 oracle cards and a 100+page guidance booklet. The booklet contains how to use an oracle card deck, artwork illumination, insight & meaning to each card, and specific action steps for each card.

I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I have while creating The Helping Phriendly Deck.

Sara Gibson, LCSW, M.Ed